Franchises are a great way to have your own business with a proven model, and the know-how of people who already did it, and a brand to back you up. That is why this business model is so popular for people who want to be independent but don’t have a revolutionary idea to break through a market or disrupt an industry.
And the truth is, there is nothing wrong with not having the next big idea, you can have a solid business in a traditional industry and do well. But one of the main challenges to buy into it is funding.
Small business financing is a good option if you don’t have a lot of savings, but there are different types of loans that you could access to achieve that goal. You just have to find the right one for your actual needs and the amount of money you’ll have to apply for and get your paperwork in order, you can even ask the franchise if they can recommend a financial product that could work for your plans.
Small business financing and other options

Stop procrastinating your entrepreneurial endeavor and get started in the search of your ideal brand and, in so, the amount of money you’ll need.
Get a partner
Adding up other people’s capital to yours can be a way to start. But you have to be very clear, and draft contracts, that establish the society, the way it will work, and percentages of ownership. Don’t leave anything to chance and write down exit strategies for each partner or even an agreement to pay off his part of the deal with revenue in the medium term.
Joint loans
Explore your commercial options to find one that can be cosigned with your better half to have more money or better conditions and rates. Even though there are relatively cheap franchises out there, there are also very expensive, and successful, ones. A joint loan can help you aim higher in your attempt but, if it’s still not enough money, don’t settle. Look for other options or start saving up to add up to what you can access.
Equipment loans
One of the most amazing things out there are equipment loans because you can use them to lighten up the strain of initial quotas and investments. This type of loan can help you furnish your local, get computers or other devices needed to operate, and other physical requirements that you need to fulfill according to your contract.
Regular loans
Small business financing is a big world, with options for everything. You can access a traditional loan from a not-so-traditional finance provider like a fintech. You just have to learn how they work, from terms, rates, special conditions, payments and so. And then make a plan to pay in time even before opening the doors of your business. Study them and choose the one you feel comfortable with. Oh, and don’t ever over-borrow.
Ask for financing options inside the franchise
Some franchises know that their investment is high and they create payment plans to help you finance your acquisition. Ask for financing options or the outside options they do accept. You could have an attractive plan that allows you to start selling / servicing without paying all your investment upfront.
Another good idea is to build up some savings that can help you come in with your cash or ask for options on your 401 (k). After all, the goal is to get more income out of this endeavor. Are you interested in any particular franchise?