It takes a special kind of person to own a business. To illustrate, we asked several industry professionals what they thought were must-have traits to successfully own a business or franchise and here’s what they came up with:

1. Need for Speed
People who want to own a business have a driving passion to do or make something. For instance, they could eat, sleep and breathe it. Love pets? There are franchises that solely focus on pet care. From technology to teaching, and tacos to taxes, there are opportunities waiting for you to step in and conquer that industry.
2. Wheels Go Round and Round
The wheels in your head are always turning and don’t stop spinning. Ideas are always coming to you. Specifically, you are energetic and excited about seeing your ideas come to fruition.
3. You’re a “Do-er”
You are an independent problem solver and motivated at finishing tasks. Namely, you are the type of person who wakes up each morning, writes a To Do list and executes it.
4. Ducks in a Row
Organization is your middle name. Although, you know where your keys and wallet are at any given time during the day, in addition, your checkbook is balanced and other people are begging you to organize their lives.
5. Grease Syndrome – “Hopelessly Devoted to You”
You have a calling to help people and a desire to make a difference in the world by supplying your product or service. If this is true, you should explore businesses that help kids like education franchises and children’s services, ones that help seniors like health care franchises, or various service companies.
6. Challenge Propels You
Adversity doesn’t stop you; it feeds the fire in your belly. Especially, if someone says you can’t, you say “watch me” do it and prove them wrong.
7. Strong as the day is Long
Your work ethic is top notch and you get lost in your work. Thus, you lose track of time when you are working on something. Consequently, you don’t mind putting in long hours which is expected when you own a business.
8. Thirst to Learn Something New
When you are met with challenges it doesn’t slow you down, it motivates you to find a solution and you are resourceful in finding one. As a result, you are always thinking ahead about your next step and what you can learn to improve on or add to your skills.
9. Beat to Your Own Drum (and Clock)
You want the flexibility to make your own schedule. Although, the sound of a Monday through Friday 9-5 work week doesn’t make you cringe, you want the choice to take the afternoon off and work a late night instead.
10. Type A Personality
People with type A personality traits are highly competitive, goal-oriented like to get things done quickly. In particular, you just may be cut out to own a franchise or business opportunity if you like to be in control, get things done and do those things well.
Although many franchises offer comprehensive training and on-the-job support, having the ability to follow a proven system and being motivated to making your business work is key.
Want to follow your dreams and own a business? Start your search today and view franchises and business opportunities on Franchise Solutions.
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